Well...we're off to Nashville on Monday to see Dr. Reid Thompson about this lovely lil' thing growing behind my right eye. It looks like a meningioma, which is the kind of tumor my dad has(d). His was on his parietal lobe & he had it Gamma Knifed in 2005.
For those who need a primer/ refresher in brain parts see the following link
My son, as those who know my family may know, had a brain tumor removed last January from his frontal lobe at Vanderbilt by the same doc I'm going to see ( hence me going to see him). His tumor was a grade II astrocytoma. It was completely resected and he has had no re-growth...Thank God!
So much for the good health sentiments below, huh?
No, really...everything occurs for a reason. I already know that. Its not up to me to know why, but I always see why in the end:)
I have met so many other people that have brain tumors, or who have HAD them. Its just amazing to me that these are as prevalent as they are!
I imagine that if everyone had a baseline MRI around maybe 2o yrs old, doctors would be able to catch so many more BEFORE they grow and do any damage, but I also believe that the incidence of brain tumors being reported would skyrocket. There is a group out of NY that is trying to get MRI's available to anyone at a very low cost called The Brain Tumor Foundation. Check out and watch their video http://www.braintumorfoundation.org/roadtodetect.php .
I'll check in later next week w/ more....
* Side note: I asked a neurosurgeon here in Memphis a couple weeks ago about the possibility of getting a lift done at the same time, I mean...you're already there, right???? I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and was able to get a tummy-tuck because they were in the 'neighborhood'....He looked at me kinda' weird. ( I wasn't serious, but he thought I was and just because of that it was worth asking...:)
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