The Funny Video of The Day- Thanks Rhonda!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009

Well...we're off to Nashville on Monday to see Dr. Reid Thompson about this lovely lil' thing growing behind my right eye. It looks like a meningioma, which is the kind of tumor my dad has(d). His was on his parietal lobe & he had it Gamma Knifed in 2005.
For those who need a primer/ refresher in brain parts see the following link
My son, as those who know my family may know, had a brain tumor removed last January from his frontal lobe at Vanderbilt by the same doc I'm going to see ( hence me going to see him). His tumor was a grade II astrocytoma. It was completely resected and he has had no re-growth...Thank God!
So much for the good health sentiments below, huh?
No, really...everything occurs for a reason. I already know that. Its not up to me to know why, but I always see why in the end:)
I have met so many other people that have brain tumors, or who have HAD them. Its just amazing to me that these are as prevalent as they are!
I imagine that if everyone had a baseline MRI around maybe 2o yrs old, doctors would be able to catch so many more BEFORE they grow and do any damage, but I also believe that the incidence of brain tumors being reported would skyrocket. There is a group out of NY that is trying to get MRI's available to anyone at a very low cost called The Brain Tumor Foundation. Check out and watch their video .
I'll check in later next week w/ more....
* Side note: I asked a neurosurgeon here in Memphis a couple weeks ago about the possibility of getting a lift done at the same time, I're already there, right???? I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and was able to get a tummy-tuck because they were in the 'neighborhood'....He looked at me kinda' weird. ( I wasn't serious, but he thought I was and just because of that it was worth asking...:)