Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Are they taking volunteers for trips to Mars yet?

I'd be first in line, tagging Nick along with me.

Were we not told to NOT hang around bad people because it'll be reflected upon us and our character ? Then why the hell would you vote for somebody like her?

I literally cannot understand how folks today can justify voting for Hillary Clinton or any of her ilk and act like it's okay or morally the right thing to do.You did have the choice to do the right thing for the country , not yourself ,  the country , and you didn't . 

It's disgusting and it actually says more about YOUR character than it does the person you're voting for.

I have noticed a great uptick in the instances of people lying and people accepting that people do so and then   it comes zero  consequences... were you not  told in school, or  when you were a young child by your parents  that you shouldn't be hanging around people like that? Remember being told that you are who you hang around?

I think a large part of that is that for  20 or 30 years the parents themselves behave like that themselves  and don't think twice about acting like fools or teaching their children the Golden Rules ,  so the child has no hope. Nobody to look up to. The parents have left the building.

And if that IS okay with you I'm letting you know that it's NOT okay with me..
I don't want to hang around anybody who believes like that and who thinks  that it is  okay to be deceitful people .. I prefer to surround myself with people I can trust and whom I don't have to second guess what they're telling me.

Why would you want it any other way?

How do you live with yourself knowing that you look up to people who can't tell the truth or steal from you with a smile on their face?

Monday, October 31, 2016

Apparently there is a line

Some families consider blood thicker than water and other family groups don't. I belong to both and it kills me.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Hang On Folksies

Howdy! Many years later....

I have neglected a lot of things since I last logged in AND a lot of things have occurred since my last post( which was like 2012!).

I can't even know where to begin so I'll start with the idea of us moving since that decision (or having to be forced to make it I should say) has effected me the greatest and on so many levels, some of which I am still trying to verbalize or explain so that I can move on emotionally....

I actually wrote a couple pages worth of stuff below about the move then walked away from laptop, came back and re- read  my words and thought it all sounded way to angry.... it wasn't the feeling I wanted to leave anyone with so let me just sum up the move in one sentence: We moved away from a space I loved and selfish neighbors I couldn't stand into a space that we are working on and around people we really like PLUS we get ' good sky ':)

I think I need to start putting some of feelings down 'on paper' so- to- speak and so I'm going to make this my new ritual as it once was so many years ago. It helps clear the soul and free up  brain space.

Some of the things I plan on talking about in the near future:








and of course I'll probably have some photos of what I see when I'm looking up:)  Like ET wanting to go 'Home'...