Saturday, September 1, 2012

Paper Towel Scam

Apparently, the makers of Bounty paper towels are trying to make more money(good thing) by making the perforations that separate each one of the  paper towels 'less perforated'.

For over a year now(probably closer to two) I have noticed that whenever I go to rip off one sheet, I get like kidding. The roll really doesn't even stop to start tearing until I use both hands and physically rip it off. 

I don't know how many times I have reached for my paper towels(which are in a standing position in three, ultra-modern style stations around my kitchen and laundry room) to have to stop what I'm doing because I have a yard's worth of paper towel in my one hand, and my other wet- dirty- holding something-  preoccupied- hand is not available to help out...which, in theory and IMO  shouldn't have to. 

This is paper we are talking about.....not steel plates. 

I buy the big packages of single sheet-ed Bounty rolls-probably 8-12 or more per package. 

As the months go by ,  I find myself and my fastidious cleaning rituals being interrupted by such an obvious (now) attempt to make me run out quicker of my beloved sanitary/disposable way of cleaning and drying , I think I am going to buy the second leading brand and see if there is a difference. 

Does anyone else notice this with their paper towel rolls? 

I feel  have too many people and things to deal with/ worry about nowadays that something I expect to be so simple in design and time saving , and  that I'm willing to pay for no less, should work as designed. 

I shouldn't feel like I am getting ripped off more than my paper towels are.